Terms of Use:

Creative Brandista is a community built to inspire, create and empower. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime. This includes: free offers, suspension from affiliate rewards program, removal from mailing list, removal from Creative Brandista administered private groups and other community-based virtual events, blocking you from social media accounts, etc . should you not comply with these terms and conditions.

Rights for Termination (including but not limited to):

  • Copyright Infringement
  • Plagiarism 
  • Lack of Respect for the Creative Brandista™ Brand
  • Inappropriate Comments/Behavior
  • Unprofessional Communication Style
  • Lack of Respect for Creative Brandista Members or Partners
  • Slander, Bad-Mouthing or Any Other Un-Classy Behavior
  • Payment Interruption
  • Harassment
  • Non-Compliance of Rules and Regulations
  • Breaking a Contract
  • Misuse of Training Tools and Information

Coaching Policy, Terms and Conditions

  • Description:
    • The relationship between Coach and Client is Co-Creative, meaning both are equals in the coaching process. The first step in the Co-Creation process is the development of personal, professional or business goals relating to building and marketing a brand and brand strategy. 
  • Responsibilities of Coach:
    • Coach agrees to maintain a code of ethics and integrity.
    • Coach agrees to be fully present during coaching sessions.
    • Coach agrees to create an environment of creativity + fun + trust + confidentiality. 
    • Coach is intuitive and will guide the coaching sessions as the needs are communicated from client. Communication from Client may be written, verbal or non-verbal.
    • Coach is not a therapist or counselor. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, if needed.
  • Responsibilities of Client:
    • Client agrees to provide clear goals and desires.
    • Client agrees to be fully present during coaching sessions.
    •  Client agrees to take ownership of his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results.
    • Client will communicate with integrity, be open to honest encouragement and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program
  • Coaching agreements are valid upon on the first completed payment. 
  • Policies & Procedures:
    • The time of the coaching sessions and/or location will be determined by Coach and Client based on a mutually agreed upon time and place. The Client will initiate all scheduled calls and will call at the number provided by Coach.
    • Coach will provide Client with necessary action steps to stay on task and complete desired goals. Client should make every effort to complete these tasks before the next scheduled coaching call. 
    • Feedback is necessary for both Coach and Client. It is critical to be open with thoughts, feelings and preferences before, during and after coaching sessions.
  •  Cancellation Policy:
    • It is the Client's responsibility to notify Coach 24 hours in advance of the scheduled calls/meetings to reschedule or cancel.
    • Client will notify Coach of a time to reschedule the missed meeting.
  • Refund Policy:
    • Once Client has made a down payment or enroll in a course, Client is obligated to pay for it in its completion. 
    • If Client require a medical emergency, the Coach will compassionately make the course and/or coaching service available for Client to complete at a later date.  

Contact Information:

Comments, concerns and questions can be directed to my email at businesswithapril@gmail.com


In the spirit of full disclosure: This website and blog posts may contain affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission {at no extra cost to you} if you purchase a product using one of these links. I only recommend products that I fully believe in or have personally used. and support other business owners who are aligned with my values and beliefs.