Is your small business bogged down with trying to figure out social media platforms or create enough content to keep your followers engaged? I can help so you can focus on the more important aspects of running your business. Let me take the weight off your shoulders by helping your online brand develop a stratgy that will build your fan base and get the conversations going that convert into more customers and sales.

  • Is keeping up with your social media pages stressing you out?

  • Are you struggling to produce enough quality content?

  • Do you know what you want to say but aren’t entirely sure how to convey it to your ideal client?

  • Are you struggling to come up with a solid strategy and enough creative ideas?

  • Do you know you need a high quality opt-in resource to build your email list but can't seem to come up with the right content?

  • Did you recently rebrand and need to update your website copy?


I will work with you to create a tailored, structured, engaging, creative and shareable content that helps you build trust and social proof with your audience leading your potential customers and clients to engage more and do business with you. 

I have several clients I currently work with and can provide their accounts for review to see first hand the quality content I provide upon request.


Need help with copy for your website or the creation of an eBook, guide or resource to build your email list? I can help you create unique tailored content that will attract your target audience and inspire them to opt-in to your email list. Providing value that positions you as an expert is crucial to not only building your email list and community but in edifying your expertise. Let us help you create that kind of unique content for your website and audience.

  • eBooks range between 15-20 pages (4500-5500 words)

  • Are interactive to keep your subscriber engaged

  • Pricing starts at $375 (writing samples available upon request)