30 Powerful Ideas To Break Out Of A Blogging Rut

Blogging ruts suck. As a writer I have been there, especially as a newbie blogger. The creative process can be a fun one but also have its throw the computer across the room in frustration moments too. 

When I started blogging I knew I had a lot to say and share but was also overwhelmed with where to start. What to share first. As I have worked with coaching clients who are new to blogging I found that they too struggle in the beginning stages of their blogs. 

A 30-day blog challenge can help you get started off on the right foot as a newbie as well as break out of a writing rut while providing first class content to your target audience. If writing a blog post every day seems overwhelming no worries. Turn it into a 30 week blog challenge and commit to writing one blog post each week. There are no rules so don't be afraid to color outside the lines and tailor it to how it will work for you. 

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This blog challenge eBook includes 30 blog post ideas that were personally written by me that you won't find any where else designed to attract your target market. When I was looking for blog post ideas they all consisted of writing blog posts about favorite foods, colors, places to travel. While these are fun topics to blog about {I mean people love to talk about themselves and what they like I get that} but its hardly the type of content that solves problems for your readers. People don't come to your blog to hear you talk about yourself, they come to your blog to hear how YOU are going to solve THEIR urgent problems.

When I couldn't find blog content ideas that were on a higher level of what I wanted to share and write about I decided to create my own and as a bonus I also include 50 blog title examples that are Google worthy and rank higher in SEO. 

Grab your FREE eBook challenge now by entering your first name and email address {don't worry, I wont' be spamming your inbox or over emailing because I don't even tolerate that from people that I subscribe to much less treat my own subscribers that way. Once a week business and branding tips is what you can expect to be delivered to your sacred email space xo}.

BONUS TIP: Be sure to set up a Pinterest board specifically for your blog. For example mine is Creative Brandista.com Blog. Once you set up a Pinterest board for your blog, pin ALL of your blog content to this blogging board. It will drive more traffic to your blog this way especially using the headline templates that I have provided in the eBook. 

Don't stay stuck in your blogging rut friend, take the 30 Day Blogging Challenge and tap back into your creative genius. So excited for you to take the blogging challenge and uplevel your blogging game!  xo

April Williams is the #CreativeMomista and Soulpreneur of 2 boys + whimsical wavemaker + creative expressive + Texas country girl + branding junkie who loves green mint tea + horses + fuzzy socks + surrounding herself with high achieving amazing women + peppermint anything + the color red + cozy coffee shops. She is a branding strategist for creative women entrepreneurs and founder of Creative Brandista™ . 

Imagine. Create. Inspire.

Looking for support and affordable coaching to grow your brand and blog? Learn more about The Creative Gristmill and start your 7 day FREE trial  


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