5 Principals Of Personal Branding - Free Training


When I first started my journey as a woman + mom trying to navigate the online world, I desperately tried to figure out how others were having success in their business. I always believed that I could create my own success story. If other women could be successful I knew I could too. I just needed to figure out the HOW.  I was passionate, driven and determined. Their success fueled me even more to find a way to use my voice and purpose to serve the world. 

It took me 11 years to get to where I am now. I made a lot of mistakes along the the way and learned some valuable lessons. I was blessed to earn 6 figures in network marketing/direct sales and launch a successful coaching business. I contribute building a strong personal brand to that success. 

My determination to blaze my own trail has served me well. What is possible for others is possible for all of us with the right mindset and direction. Your story + personal brand have the power to change the world and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Below is a free training call on the "5 Principals Of Personal Branding". FYI - It was recorded through Free Conference Call HD and the HD quality of the call makes the link incompatible for mobile devices, therefore you will need to listen to it through a laptop or desk top computer but there is no opt-in required. A free call packed with value, my gift to you no strings attached. 

Be sure to grab a journal to take notes and learn how leading with a personal brand is so important in today's world of doing business and why its the key factor in taking your business to that next level. 

If you are ready to take serious action to launch and market your own signature personal brand, to stand out from the crowd, to be a #GameChanger my step by step Branding: A Love Story ebook will help you make sense of all the creative chaos going on inside your head and blend all of your multi-passions into one cohesive authentic brand. I poured myself into this content for 6-months to give you the closest thing possible to a one-on-one coaching experience. 

The course is broken down into the following chapters:

Chapter 1 - My Story and How I Found My Passion
Chapter 2 - What is Personal Branding
Chapter 3 - Discovering Your Creative Strengths
Chapter 4 - Embracing Your Weaknesses
Chapter 5 - Defining Your Core Root Values
Chapter 6 - Knowing Your Purpose
Chapter 7 - #YourStoryMatters
Chapter 8 - Defining Your Target Market (Charismic Client™)
Chapter 9 - Creating Your Brand Promise
Chapter 10 - How To Blend It All Together Into One Cohesive Brand
Chapter 11 - Creating Your Brand Identity
Chapter 12 - Creating Your Brand Copy
Chapter 13 - How To Market #TheBrandOfYou

Available now on Amazon

Your story is the soul of your personal brand, fearlessly share it with the world to grow a sustainable, long term thriving business and brand. 

"People won't buy what you do but they will buy why you do it" Simon Sinek


April Williams is a Creative Momista and Soulpreneur of 2 boys + whimsical wavemaker + creative expressive + Texas country girl + branding junkie who loves green mint tea + horses + fuzzy socks + surrounding herself with high achieving amazing women + peppermint anything + the color red + cozy coffee shops. She is a branding strategist for creative women entrepreneurs and founder of Creative Brandista™ . 


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