How To Stay Focused When Your Goals Seem Far Away

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself". Unknown

When I first started my journey as a a full time entrepreneur a few years ago, I was transitioning out of Corporate America and looking forward to the positive changes the journey of being the CEO of ME, Inc. would bring into my life. I had my goals all laid out for the year, a beautiful epic plan of crushing some major achievements. I was feeling pretty fierce with high hopes about what I would accomplish but life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we lease expect it.

I consider myself a productive person who prides herself on taking massive action and investing in a great deal of personal development, who is always a student, learning and perfecting her skill sets. I am a true creative, a dreamer who also finds joy in crossing tasks off my to-do list and in a timely manner.

Encountering obstacles is a part of life. Just when we think we have it all figured it out and things are finally going our way we are dealt the unpredictable. I have noticed an interesting pattern in my life over the years, that I tend to manifest these hardships when my goals are at their biggest. The bigger the dream, the bigger the roadblock. Funny how that happens, right?! It can be discouraging and make our goals feel more like mission impossible. These obstacles come in the form of the loss of a job, illness, relationship issues, unexpected stress, an overwhelming schedule—anything that distracts us away from our goals. 

For the most part, the obstacles in our path are temporary inconveniences and other times they are more complex. The threat can even exist where the delays are so significant that it hinders progress for a long period of time. 

To overcome this and get back to a place where we can move forward, we have to be able to keep our emotions in check and focus more on what we can control and less on what is beyond our control.  The key is to always ensure that we are moving forward in the right direction, even if it means accepting that the process will be at a slower pace. I know, I know....sometimes that is a lot easier said than done but its doable nonetheless. 

The first step is to embrace and accept that there will be changes in direction. Like someone who rides a surf board, the circumstances of the wave are constantly changing. The surfer does not complain about the changes, he knows that there are only two options: stay on the board or crash into the water so he simply adjusts his board accordingly to keep riding the wave. 

We can all start off with well-intentioned plans, but inevitably life happens. When things don't go our way, we have to be able accept it and not dwell on the why and other questions that at the end of the day we won't ever have clear answers to. Progress will only be achieved by going back to the brainstorming creative drawing board to think of new ideas and a plan to move forward. We can find great passion and purpose in the glitches that happen in our lives if we choose to have that outlook and mindset. 

I find that many times, people mistakenly feel entitled to an easy path of success. After all we live in a very instant gratification society and the marketing messages of "make money while you sleep" have not helped. We want what we want when we want it. Consequently when struggles are encountered, those that are not prepared to handle them because they had unrealistic expectations are left with nothing but frustration and disappointment. 

Achieving our goals is a direct reflection of our laser focused determination in those moments when we are plagued with fear and procrastination. Those are the times when we dig down deep within our soul to find that burning desire, the "WHY", that will keep us moving forward.

We have to keep our expectations in check while being creative. Finding that balance between dreaming big and keeping our realistic feet planted firmly on the ground. Marrying our dreamer with our realist. In a world where nothing is ever perfect, we have to settle for doing our very best and turning challenges into unforeseen opportunities.

When life throws you for a total knock-you-on-your-butt loop, here are some ways to handle it:

1. Know Your Passion.

In a world of constant distractions, its easy to get thrown off course, especially when something from out in left field hits us between the eyes. Despite any obstacles, it’s important to keep your passion fire well lit. If you are spending your time beating yourself up, try to look at the situation from a different angle and channel that negative energy into something positive.

We all experience times of feeling unmotivated so don't give yourself a guilt trip. Instead do something to tap back into your passion and remind yourself that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

2. Know Your WHY.

Having a clearly defined written down "why" will help you overcome those annoying challenges when they try to derail you. This is an important step that I find a lot of business owners don't take the time to do. Why are you working so hard for your goals? How will it feel when you achieve them? How will these accomplishments change your life?  Use these questions and answers as a powerful tool and resource to refuel your motivation. When you are inspired you are productive.

3. Purging.

Purging what is weighing you down physically, mentally and emotionally can lift some of the weight your are carrying off your shoulders. Set aside some time to go through your email to purge and organize, take the time to organize your house, clean your office so you can start the next day with a fresh clean desk. Go through closets and donate clothing and other items that you are no longer using. Feeling organized and productive is important in all areas of our lives. 

4. Record Your Progress

One way to stay focused on the “big picture” is to keep track of what you do. I have a daily method of operation that I use to ensure that I am staying on track and focused on revenue generating activities for my business.  I can track my results which serves as an important reminder that I am moving forward in the right direction even on days when I am feeling like it has been a total unproductive waste. 

Find resources and tools that work best for you whether you are a spreadsheet junkie or like an old fashioned pen and piece of paper. There is no right or wrong method, just as long as you can show yourself that you are on the right track. In the event that you have ventured off the beaten path this exercise can also quickly show you what you need to do to get back in the game. 

5. Self Grace

You are your biggest supporter and cheerleader. Taking the time to reflect upon your achievements no matter how big or small, means you are taking care of your physical, mental and emotional well being. Love and respect yourself and give the person looking back at you in the mirror a good well deserved pat on the back. When you feel overwhelmed and tired, give yourself some grace. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Life is a journey.  Enjoy the ride, accept the failures and celebrate your victories.

I value your feedback so be sure to leave me a comment and share with others who would find it valuable. I so appreciate you being here.


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